4 Ways to Remind a Special Kid How Much You Care When You Can’t Be There for Their Birthday

It can be tough not being able to be there for the birthday of a kid you care for. Because birthdays so often tend to be such important events for kids, you want to let them know that they are special and loved. When you can’t be there in person, it can seem difficult to let them know how much they mean to you, but it’s still possible! Whether it’s making the birthday girl or boy the hero of their own adventure with kids personalized books or making time for a video call, there are a variety of ways to send birthday cheer from afar. Personalized Childrens Book Host a Video Conference Gift-Opening Party With few exceptions, the highlight of any kid’s birthday party is when they finally get to tear into those gifts. It’s more fun for everyone, however, when that experience can be shared. Use a video conferencing platform to set up a video meeting between the birthday boy or girl and everyone who sent a gift but couldn’t be there. It’s sure to be a good time. Send the Birthda...