Grandkids Visiting? Keeps These Items Around to Keep Them Entertained

If the grandkids are coming around and you don’t have anything to keep them entertained, you could be facing bored kids. From personalized story books that star your grandchild and are perfect for reading with grandma and grandpa, to sports equipment to get them outside and active, burning off excited energy, here are some toys and other entertainment options to keep around the grandparents’ house.

Personalized Story Books

Coloring Books for Quiet Time

Coloring books are perfect for quiet time and can be enjoyed by nearly any age of child. For younger children, you still need to supervise just in case they decide the coloring book is not a big enough canvas while a wall is perfect. For best results, try to get a coloring book with characters from your grandchildren’s favorite shows or movies. Stickers are also a great addition to coloring books, as well, and can be found in a wide variety of subjects and characters.

Personalized Story Books for Special Reading Time

If you want to have special reading time with grandpa and grandma, get a personalised childrens book that stars your grandchild. When they realize that their grandparents have a book about them going on fun adventures, the look on your grandchild’s face will be priceless. Expect an ear-to-ear grin and them asking you to read the book multiple times. Choose a book that offers a variety of stories and uses their name to generate a unique story. Beautiful illustrations are also a must, as it will help keep your grandchild entertained and interested in the book. It can also help to choose a book that teaches positive values within the storyline, as well.

Building Toys for Hours of Fun

Whether it’s wooden logs or plastic blocks, toys that your grandchildren can build things with can provide hours of fun. They can build houses, castles, cars, robots, and whatever else their imagination can dream up. Challenge them to build something, or just build as high as possible. Just be ready for cleaning up when they knock it over once they are finished!

Tricycle or Bicycle to Ride Around the Neighborhood

Do you go on a daily walk around the neighborhood? Your grandchild can join you on a tricycle or bicycle, or just ride up and down the street under supervision. Even going in circles in the driveway can be fun for little tykes.

Sports Equipment to Keep Them Active

Another way to keep your grandkids active is with sports equipment. Whether it’s a couple of balls to kick around or a basketball hoop, they can keep active. They will probably have more energy than normal as they are excited to see you, and playing catch can help burn off the excess energy.

About My Magic Story

The kids personalized books created by My Magic Story have been shipped to more than 40 countries. The books, written in several languages, have already reached more than 500,000 hearts. Because each of My Magic Story’s books is personalized, each child’s reading experience is completely unique. The books, called The Magic of My Name, contribute to educational and positive values in a kid’s life. The My Magic Story team believes that there is nothing more magical and wonderful than the imagination of a child. Each story the team crafts will take readers on an exciting adventure starring the child, encouraging self-confidence and empowerment. Each unique book comes with beautifully illustrated artwork that uses the letters of the child’s name. My Magic Story books will make kids smile with delight, and are sure to be storytime favorites for years to come.

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